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Asbestos Information

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is the name given to a number of naturally-occurring fibrous minerals that are very strong, heat-resistant and extremely durable. Because of these properties, asbestos has been used to make a wide range of construction materials such as roofing shingles, ceiling and floor tiles, insulation, adhesives, and cement siding; safety textiles; and friction products such as automobile clutch, brake and transmission parts.

Asbestos ceiling

What are the health effects of asbestos?

Exposure to asbestos increases your risk of developing lung disease as fibers become embedded and accumulate in lung tissue over time. There is no known safe level of exposure to asbestos, so contact with any amount of asbestos should be avoided. Disease symptoms may take several years to develop following exposure. The most common asbestos-related lung diseases are:


Asbestosis is a serious, progressive, long-term non-cancer disease of the lungs. It is caused by inhaling asbestos fibers that irritate lung tissues and cause the tissues to scar. The scarring makes it hard for oxygen to get into the blood. Symptoms of asbestosis include shortness of breath and a dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling. There is no effective treatment for asbestosis.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer causes the largest number of deaths related to asbestos exposure. People who work in the mining, milling, manufacturing of asbestos, and those who use asbestos and its products are more likely to develop lung cancer than the general population. The most common symptoms of lung cancer are coughing and a change in breathing. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, persistent chest pains, hoarseness, and anemia.


Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer found in the thin lining (membrane) of the lung, chest, abdomen, and heart and almost all cases are linked to exposure to asbestos. This disease may not show up until many years after asbestos exposure.

contained clean demo project

What is a Clean Demo?

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Home Renovation Asbestos Concerns

common types of asbestos

Common Types of Asbestos

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Steps to Take When You Have Asbestos

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Facts About Asbestos Removal in Portland Oregon

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Dangers with Asbestos Removal Salem Oregon

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Abate Right, Inc.

2290 Judson St. SE

Salem, OR 97302

Text or Call: (503) 966-9382

Asbestos Removal Salem Oregon

asbestos abatement, emergency services, demolition services

Areas served:

Serving Oregon from the Cascades, through the beautiful Willamette Valley and out to the Coast

License #: CCB# 208615, DEQ# FSC776

Copyright © 2025 Abate Right, Inc. · Asbestos Removal Salem Oregon