Text or Call Today: (503) 966-9382
We hear a lot of questions about asbestos. People ask us things like what is asbestos? Will asbestos hurt me? What kind of materials have asbestos in them? You can also go online and read a lot of information and misinformation about asbestos. As a result of these questions, we decided to put together a blog. Our goal is to help to clear up some of the misconceptions about asbestos and asbestos abatement.
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that has been used in many different construction materials. Asbestos became popular due to its durability, strength and fire resistance. Asbestos Containing Materials (A.C.M.) used in the construction industry could include types of insulation, roofing shingles, mastics and glues, drywall mud and texture, flooring, ceiling tiles, cement and safety textiles.
If you are performing a remodel, restoration or even demolition, you must be careful to avoid disturbing any materials that may contain asbestos. If an Asbestos Containing Material is disturbed it can potentially release harmful asbestos fibers into the air. When these very aerodynamic fibers are allowed to get airborne they can be inhaled and become trapped in a person’s lungs. Asbestos exposure has been linked to such lung diseases including Asbestosis, Lung Cancer, and Mesothelioma. No level of exposure is considered safe when dealing with asbestos. The scary thing is that it may take years, even decades, for the exposure to show up in the form of a lung disease.
While the use of A.C.M. dramatically decreased in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the safest way to know if the materials you are working with may contain asbestos is to contact a certified lab. The lab will be able to perform testing and identify any potential hazards.
If you suspect you may need help with asbestos removal or have any questions, feel free to give us a call. We provide Asbestos Removal in Salem Oregon, as well as in Portland, Albany, Corvallis and the surrounding areas.
Call Today at (503) 966-9382 or visit us at www.abateright.com.
Asbestos Removal Salem Oregon
asbestos abatement, emergency services, demolition services
Areas served:
Serving Oregon from the Cascades, through the beautiful Willamette Valley and out to the Coast
License #: CCB# 208615, DEQ# FSC776
Copyright © 2025 Abate Right, Inc. · Asbestos Removal Salem Oregon